Grateful You: Toolkit for Cultivating Gratitude

Ready to BE happier, healthier and build better relationships?

Course Summary

Ready to reconnect with the habit of gratitude so you can BE happier and healthier?

Course Curriculum

Module 1 - Start Here...

Module 1 outlines how Grateful You works and includes an overview of the inclusions, group agreements / commitments and the frequently asked questions. 

Module 2 - Introduction to Gratitude

In Module 2 we share more about the habit of gratitude and why it is important.

This module includes research on gratitude, the benefits of gratitude as well as ways to start practising gratitude. 

Module 3 - Activities for Cultivating Gratitude

Module 3 is all about practising and cultivating the habit of gratitude.  

At present, there are 11 activities (with worksheets) that help you start to or reconnect to the habit of gratitude in your life. 

Module 4 - Extra Resources and Transition

In Module 4 we share some extra resources (i.e. books) as well as ways to continue to practise gratitude in your work and life.

There is also a Quiz to help you see how you have changed since starting the habit of gratitude. 

Jane Taylor



This course is new and testimonials will be added soon. 

Course Pricing

  • Individual Price
  • $47 AUD

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